Saturday 28 June 2014

When I See No Hope

I don't remember
For how long have I traded
The same path
That turns around the stream
Towards the abandoned home.

Yet why can't I find
The path I need to take?

Encircling in endless uncertainty
My life revolves around the focusless centre.
My hand reaches out
But even the periphery rejects any intrusion.

Innumerable questions stay
Without any hope of getting answers.
Caught in the complex mesh of life
I fall deeper -
Into the unfathomable darkness.

Yet a tiny voice rings
Somewhere in the corner of my heart
Asking me to hold on
To the smallest straw of hope.

Still fear remains.

What if the straw has been blown away by the wind?
What if I lose the grip?
What if I don't find any answer
Even though I keep holding on?

That when the tiny voice says,
"Keep patience."

Haven't I kept patience for too long already?
For how long must I go on?
For how long must I walk along the stream
Until I find the two roads -
One used, another less trodden by -
That I will be able to choose?

My mind becomes foggy with questions.
The tiny voice is about to fade away
As I wait for 'patience' to arrive
While I wait by the road,
Unaware of the future,
Demystified about the present,
And completely devoid of any past to fall back upon.

Monday 23 June 2014

Trying to Let You Go

For all those unsaid goodbyes
Pricking my throat,
I have struggled too hard
To get them out.
But why do they still remain
Drilling a hole in my heart?

Sadness engulfs the entire being.
Blood becomes darker
Clotting the veins.
Keeping your trace trapped within my sould.

You try to break free.
I want to let you go.
And yet the goodbyes stay there
Like a burdened ant walking through the desert.